Friday, March 27, 2015

My kids are at that age...

I love my kids. But right now, they are at that age where they ask me a gazillion questions a minute!

"Mommy, what do you think that truck is doing over there?"

"Mommy, can we watch a kids show?"

"When are we going to die?"

"Mommy, was that a Kenworth truck?"

"Mommy, is it time for you to buy me a new dress?"

"Mommy, when can we go to Miss Amanda's house (or any other person's house we have ever been to) again?"

"Mommy? When are we going to pick up Jackson?" That question is asked every day Jackson is in school

"Is it a school day?"

"What are we going to do today? Is it a homeschool day or a kids yoga day?"

"Are we going to kids yoga?" Same kid who asked the question above, asked this one just seconds later.

"Mommy, can I have a napkin? Can I have more almond milk? Mommy, can I please be excused?"
Those questions were asked all in the same breath by the same kid.

"Mommy, when will I get big like Daddy?"

"Who am I going to marry?"

"Mommy, why do the boys get to urinate in the bushes and I don't?"

"When will G-Ma come to live with us?"

"Mommy, what are we having to drink? Mommy? What are we having to drink? Mommy?"

"Mommy, will I get kidney stones!?" My goodness, boy! You are only 6! Don't worry about kidney stones!

"When are going to get a dog?"

"May I please have some trail mix? But I don't want to eat the Craisins!"

"Mommy, when are you going to get your rice out of the microwave? It's ready!!!"
He asked me that question right at this moment.

If I sat and recorded the sheer volume of questions from my three children, I could probably fill up an entire book. Studies show that children who ask a lot of questions are bright and intelligent, and I think that's true. I remember when we only had one child and my husband and I could tag team him and his questions. But it got tiring and I wasn't creative enough to keep coming up with clever answers on the fly. So we decided to have more kids so they would ask each other and not us. So far, that isn't working. In some cases, I have tried to flip the script and turn it back on them. "Well, what do YOU think we are going to do today?" Then they get an attitude! "I don't KNOW Mommy. That's why I asked you!"

At what age does the question and answer game end? Yes, that's another question.

*microwave beeps*

"Mommmmmieeeee? When are you gonna get your rice?"



Sunday, March 22, 2015

My girl

"And though she be but little, she is fierce" - William Shakespeare

Being a mom is tough. I love it, but it is, by far, the hardest "job" I have ever had. I'm blessed to have the experience of raising boys and a girl, and I gotta tell you... Raising MY girl is a challenge. She is so much like me! Moms, I know you can relate. Did your mom ever say to you when you were younger, "I hope you have a girl and I hope she is just like you!"? No one? Just my mom? Oh, I see.

My mom gets a kick out of the relationship I have with my girl. She tries to be supportive but deep down inside,  I know she's laughing at me. My girl is stubborn, strong willed, hard headed and is fussy about her fashion. She is a carbon copy of ME!!! You would think I can handle someone who is just like me, right? WRONG. She keeps me on my toes, tests my patience and raises my blood pressure on a daily basis. She can sometimes be mean to her brothers to get her way, she has her daddy wrapped around her finger, and she has more clothes in her closet than I do!

Little girl. Little girl.

But on the other hand, she is a gorgeous young lady. Her hair is the type that people pay good money for. Her eyes sparkle when she smiles. She is very caring when one of us is hurt or sad. She has a fantastic imagination and she likes to draw... just like her momma. I have caught her staring at me when I'm singing in the van or when I'm getting dressed to go out. She asks me what my favorite shoes are and she tells me I'm pretty when I wear a dress. She wants to work out with me and brush my hair. If she doesn't get a hug and kiss at bedtime, she cries. At night, when we say our prayers, she thanks God for her family.

Little girl. Little girl.

Yes, it's hard. Yes, she frustrates me at times. But I wouldn't trade her for the world.

Moms of little girls, I know you can relate. Your little girl is probably just like you and you are just like your mom; smart, strong, fierce and fiery. Now when I hang my head in my hands over something my girl has said or done, I just remember one day she may have a little girl that will be just like her... Just like me.... and that's a beautiful thing :)


Monday, March 2, 2015

More isn't more.... Less is more

A friend of mine posted an article on Facebook yesterday {Thanks Jenn!} and it really speaks to what my husband I want for our kids. The area we currently live in, it seems that more is definitely more. We live in a community with million dollar homes, kids in the household each have their own iPads, iPhones, electric scooters and more toys and shoes than we ever had growing up. Have you been to a child's birthday party lately? They are much bigger now than the ones we had back in the day.

I have to admit, I have been sucked into that way of thinking as well. It seemed like a simple idea, or so I thought. Just the idea to give our kids more than we had and to live in a house or a community that is bigger and better than we had growing up. We have had birthday parties for our kids with bounce houses and mountains of gifts and decorations and goodie bags. I am totally guilty of buying clothes and shoes in excess for them, even when I know the clothes and shoes in their closets are more than sufficient.

In hindsight though, my husband and I turned out fine with less. We appreciated things more because we had less and that's something that many kids these days (in my opinion) are lacking. We worked harder to earn things because they weren't handed to us when we were young . Birthday parties included your immediate family and maybe a cousin or two; a homemade cake from a box and one or two gifts and cards. And you know what? It was more than enough.

Lots of changes are coming our way this year, and as we embark on this next chapter of our lives, our focus will be more on quality rather than quantity. Please enjoy this story from House to Home.