Saturday, March 22, 2014


I'm a Florida girl at heart. Although I've lived in other states, I was born and raised here and it's hard to picture living any where else right now. People who aren't from here don't like the humidity or the bugs or our slow pace, but once you've been here a while, you get used to it.

The best thing about living in Florida is, of course, the beach. Sun, sand and surf.... there's nothing like it. I remember before Jesse and I had kids we would bike on the beach or just sit for hours on end, people-watching while enjoying a cold (adult) beverages.

Now that we have kids, our beach trips are a bit different. One of the things we all enjoy is looking for shells. Of all the years I've lived here, I have never found a shark's tooth or sand dollar, but we have found some cool ass shells. 

Last month when we visited, it was really more just a walk on the beach and we found a few shells, but the most entertaining part was the lady feeding the seagulls. No matter what beach you're on, there is always somebody feeding the dang seagulls. It might be cool the first time, but honestly, it's just gross. Birds fighting over bread or Doritos, all while leaving poopy drops of sunshine on the sand and your shoulders... not exactly my idea of a good time.

Jackson is fascinated by seagull swarms. I was pretty relaxed that day, so let him have some fun. Luckily, he didn't get pooped on :)

Amaya wasn't too interested in the birds at first. She was more concerned about finding pretty "shoe-shells". We are trying hard to get her to properly say "seashells".

Thanks again for stopping by! I'm still playing catch up, so the next few blogs will be of past events.Hopefully I'll be caught up by April. If you haven't already, sign up to receive new blogs by email. If you like what you see here,let me know and don't forget to tell a friend :)


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