Sunday, March 16, 2014

Won't you be my Sweetheart?

What do you think of Valentine's Day? Is it "just another day"? Or do you go all out with candy, decor and presents?

Jesse and I have never celebrated it. I don't dislike the holiday, per say, but I don't feel like you need to have a special day to celebrate love. Birthdays, yes. Anniversaries, yes. I'll even take a "just because I love you" day. We simply don't buy into all the Valentine's Day hype; we do things in our own way. 

If other folks want to celebrate it, I support their right to.... and I'll offer a special Valentine's Day photo shoot from Astreia B Photography (wink, wink)

When it comes to the kids, we try to do something special because they talk about it in school and such. Nothing terribly fancy, but a little treat or Valentine's craft is cool with us. We did a styled shoot for Facebook and had some fun!

I know you guys take pictures of your kids. Doesn't matter if it's on a professional level or just snapshots. With kids, sometimes I feel like you can take 700 pictures and only 3 of them will be good ones. Here's another behind the scenes photo. Andy photo bombed this one and didn't even know it.

Behind the scenes: Jesse had to get the chair ready for Miss Amaya. He and I work well as a team. He would probably never admit it, but I think he enjoys doing photography with me.

Thanks for stopping by today! 

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