Thursday, March 13, 2014

throw up vs. stinkie

What a way to kick off your weekend, eh? The hubs is only a few days past the flu and I thought the kids and I would be unscathed, since we were armed with 10 days worth of Tamiflu. But alas, I was woken up by my youngest son this morning telling me that he had thrown up on the stairs.

"The stairs?" I ask as I reach for my glasses and turn on the lamp.


Andy is by far, the easiest kid when it comes to sickness. The other two scream and cry at the sight of throw up and beg and plead to sleep with me afterwards. He was very calm and offered to me to the scene of the "accident". He was, er, partially right. The stairs, the wall, the handrail... After trying to keep my composure as my eyes starting watering at the smell, I got him all cleaned up and gave him a drink of water. He assured me he felt better and happily climbed back into bed.

Now the real work begins. Resolve, brushes, towels. On my hands and knees scrubbing vomit out of my brand new carpet at 2 in the morning, I began to wonder: what's worse? Throw up (aka "vomit") or Stinkie (commonly referred to as "poop")

For me, throw up is the worst. I think because I come in contact with stinkie several times a day (whether it's my own or one of my kids) so it's pretty commonplace. But vomit.... ew. Especially when you recognize what they ate earlier.... Ugh... it makes me gag just thinking about it.

He made it through the rest of the night and this morning, until about 30 minutes ago. 

Here we go again.

So tell me, Super-moms (and Super-dads)... what's worse for you?


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